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Ashley Doll Жанр: Solo, Erotic, Posing, Glamour, Masturbation Количество фото: 11801 Количество сетов: 139 Разрешение: 667x1000-3840x5760 Ссылки: Thenude Freeones MyFreeCams Onlyfans Aka: Ashley Doll, Ashley Ronquillo, DollieXXX, LilDollyXXX, Taylor, Taylor Ashley Дата рождения: Май 1991 г. Страна: США (Аризона) Годы съемок: 2011-2015 Фигура: 81-61-86 Рост: 163 см Совершенство, имя тебе - Эшли Долл. "Золотая мечта" Ashley Doll - это мечта о золотом прошлом. Об Америке, которую мы потеряли. Ну, русские на этом месте чтения хмыкнут, но ведь этот образ для всех притягателен… 50-ые годы XX века в Америке - жизнь спокойная, предсказуемая, мужчина, если он квалифицированный работник, без проблем содержит на свою зарплату жену и детей и уверенно смотрит в будущее - и если дома ждет его такая куколка, то большего и желать нельзя. Никаких стерв и дедлайнов, во всяком случае в промышленных количествах - это уже не мало. Эта модель - безусловно удачная находка фотографа John Emslie, и он быстренько уговорил Эшли отснять несколько десятков фотосетов под специально создаваемый для нее сайт. Сотрудничество их распалось еще до запуска сайта AshleyDoll.com - Эшли только немного поучаствовала в запуске блога. Думается, всё было так, как бывает обычно при подобных обстоятельствах - кто-то предприимчивый собирает команду для запуска бизнеса, а для поддержания мотивации сладко поет в уши о том, как "все мы богато заживем в будущем и ни в чем не будем знать нужды". Неопытные в таком случае развешивают уши, а опытные мягко пресекают сладкозвучные тирады и предлагают оформить юридически значимое соглашение о разделе долей в бизнесе - так сказать, еще на берегу. Эшли наверняка была из первых. duckhunt00 from Freeones It s complicated. Yes she did start that blog, and it was indeed her posting in the early days, but sometime near the end of 2012 (when the site was originally supposed to launch), Ashley backed out of doing the site because of bad experiences with her photographer. From what Ashley told me, he is an absolute pig, thus she refused to work with him anymore. Since he is the proprietary owner of the photos, and videos, she couldn t just hire a new photographer, so, she left. That s why the site was delayed for such a long time, because they were scrambling to find a "replacement" to be Ashley- the sites admin has confirmed this for me. They made an offer to Ashley to at least work the blog for them, but again, she said no. I had always wondered why the admin seemed to have such a sour opinion of her, but considering what Ashley has told me, I don t question her decision one bit- in fact, I applaud her. The only things that Ashley has now is her Instagram account. She is such a beautiful person, and it hurts me to see her hurt by all this. Imagine, that site impersonates her in order to get people to join. They say things like, "join my site," "spoil me, buy from my wishlist." People really think it s her, and they have every reason to because they speak in the first person about everything. I was fooled too. All the things I thought I said to her, all the gifts I put my heart into for her... Ashley never received a single one of them. That site is damaging her reputation. One guy even threw out the old, "I m a former marine, and I have the right of mind to find these young ladies and teach them a lesson." Her had given fake Ashley close to $3,000, in hopes to meet her. They gladly took his money, and cut him cold, stopped talking to him all together. They could have potentially put the real Ashley s life in danger, all while having absolutely nothing to do with that website. Also, among other things, they are engaging in fraud by re-releasing old content as new. I have hard evidence of this. That being said, the only thing I care about is Ashley. She thought she was leaving that part of her life behind, to move on... and they essentially have stolen her identity. She doesn t deserve that. It really sucks man. They could ve easily launched the site as purely a content site, but they knew damn well it wouldn t be as successful without Ashley s involvement, so... they simply pretend to be her. Forget the fact that she s a girl, Ashley is a very special person. People are drawn to her, and not only for her beauty, but her personality as well. She s so much more than just another pretty face. So, sorry for such a long response, but like Ashley, I just want to make it clear that she has never had anything to do with that place once it launched. Так или иначе, с "абсолютной свиньей" ей было больше не по пути, и даже за щедрые гроши она отказалась сопровождать сайт (с другими фотографами у Эшли тоже не задалось - видимо, характер у кошечки не очень мягкий). Ну, владельцы сайта AshleyDoll.com и без нее справились - и на сайт от ее имени зазывали, и на подарки для нее (себя) собирали А потом и вовсе подыскали замену - Aspen Martin и других. Молодые здоровые девчонки, сексапильные, но без ярко выраженной стервозности - надевай на такую любую недорогую тряпочку и постепенно раздевай в фотосессии - рецепт прост и безотказен. Тогда и был открыт сайт ThisYearsModel. |